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Welcome to "Rock Star"

What You'll Learn

Public speaking is a learned skill. And, becoming a better speaker is about becoming a better communicator. This comprehensive course has been designed to take place over four weeks, allowing you, as the student, to garner the most knowledge and value from the lessons. As modules and topics unfold over weekly segments, spending time practicing and completing exercises will allow you to build fundamental skills and positive habits.
You’ll dive deep into the foundation of communications, learning to use your voice for maximum impact to be a powerful speaker and to recognize the importance your physical body plays in public speaking, as well as the Brunner Method for practicing.
Whether you need to deliver a presentation, make a pitch, appear on a panel, host a podcast, or speak to the media, this course will guide your learning, allowing you to grow in confidence, to engage an audience, and to have your voice, your message, heard as you intend. Whether you’re early in your career or a c-suite executive, “How to be a Rock Star Public Speaker” will take your speaking and communication skills to the next level. This online course is about building your foundation and creating your own personal tool box to be a powerful rock star public speaker.

What You'll Get with One-on-One Coaching

  • Three (3), 45-minute virtual one-on-one coaching sessions with a Brunner Communications coach

  • Coaching customized to your unique needs and goals

  • Real-time feedback

  • Apply skills learned in "How to be a Rock Star Public Speaker" online course

Features of this program

  • Online public speaking course with award-winning journalist and communications coach, Liz Brunner

  • One-on-one virtual coaching with a Brunner Communications coach

  • Course exercises let you put your new knowledge to work

  • Extensive course workbook and bonus content

  • Course certificate

“Your ability to speak clearly and confidently on your feet will increase your income and open countless doors for you. Liz Brunner is one of the top professional speakers in the world. She has developed an amazing method to enable you to quickly become a confident and persuasive speaker in front of any audience. I have spoken to more than five million people in 5000 seminars and workshops, in 84 countries, and Liz is one of the best teachers of speaking in the world.”

International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Consultant

Brian Tracy


Liz Brunner is a communications expert ready to help you take command of your speech and build your personal brand. Leveraging her extensive experience in television and vocal training, Liz will identify areas for growth and teach you to implement them, increase your confidence, and help you craft a story. Liz is the Founder and CEO of Brunner Communications, which, through customized communications coaching, assists individuals and organizations developing powerful, meaningful, and desirable brand identities. In 2020, Liz launched the Brunner Academy of online learning. Liz is the best-selling author of Dare to Own You: Taking Your Authenticity and Dreams Into Your Next Chapter, released in November 2021. In addition to working with clients, Liz continues to make media and public speaking appearances.

Liz Brunner

CEO and Founder of Brunner Communications


  • How do I know if this is the right course level for me?

    Every person comes to the table at a different place on the learning curve. The content in this course is designed to help you push the bar for you personally, no matter where you are on your path. Supplementing the course content is a 60+ page workbook, providing you with the opportunity to practice the techniques highlighted in the course and to instill the knowledge learned. If you have to pitch a client, if you have to be a moderator, if you have to be in the media, if you have to present to your boss – anytime you need to communicate, this course will help you.

  • What if I get busy for a while and can’t complete the course in a four-week span?

    We understand that schedules get busy and, so, this is a self-paced course. Though we encourage students not to break for long periods of time between units whenever possible to help knowledge retention, there are no time requirements for enrollment.

  • How do I know if I need to improve my communication skills?

    We’ve all heard the phrase “you learn something new every day.” In the communication world, it couldn’t be more true. There is always room for growth; always room for improvement. Each day we try new tones, rephrase questions, make mistakes, and grow. Ask yourself – when you stand up in front of clients or colleagues, are you connecting? Are you engaging? How do you know? If you have any apprehension around speaking or presenting in public – whether one-on-one, in a small group, or on a stage, this course is for you. If you feel confident, but don’t feel connected with those to whom you are speaking, this course is for you. The world has changed in terms of how people hear information. This course will help you to communicate better today.

  • What will this course do for me? What impact will I see?

    This course will show you how to use your voice and the impact the voice has on how you communicate your message – whatever that message may be. Your audience will be more engaged. You will feel more confident. Your content will improve. You will have clarity on that content. You will deliver your content in a more conversational way.

  • I’m not sure I want to spend the money on the VIP level. How much more will I learn with the investment?

    Supplementing all that you learn in the course, one-on-one coaching with an expert communications coach will allow you to focus in on personal areas of growth. The VIP level allows for customized training and real-time feedback. While private one-on-one coaching costs more than $5000, the VIP package saves you more than $1000 over the individual purchase of the course and a separate one-on-one coaching package with Brunner Communications.

  • Are the strategies you share only applicable to specific business areas or positions?

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