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You'll Learn:

  • Proven tips and techniques that you can implement immediately to get results and enjoy your “Drop the Mic” moment for any speaking opportunity in any setting, whether in business or in life

  • How to communicate with confidence and use your voice for maximum impact to be a powerful speaker

  • To recognize the importance your physical body plays in public speaking

  • The secrets to a great speech, pitch, presentation, job interview, wedding toast, or webinar, whether in-person or virtually

  • To create your personal “tool box” for public speaking success

One-On-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching is a great way to enhance the communication skills you will learn in “Drop the Mic!  Be A Powerful Speaker in Any Setting."  

Through three, customized, individual one-hour sessions, a Brunner Communications coach will help you hone your technique for both in-person and virtual speaking.  

We help you to create your own personal tool box of tips, the key to establishing your new habits and replacing the old ones that are not serving you well.  We will assess your challenges, areas of development and blind spots that hold you back from having your message received and perceived as you intend.  

Our goal is that you become your best authentic self.  

You will continue to learn and grow as your coach offers you personalized tips on how to improve and take your communication skills to the next level.  

Take advantage of this special VIP program package: "Drop the Mic" webinar and three one-on-one coaching sessions, a $3,000 value, for a special price of $1,849.  

All sessions are held virtually for this VIP offer. 

Drop the Mic Course Content

  • Introduction to “Drop the Mic! Be A Powerful Speaker in ANY Setting”

  • The Voice - Verbal Communication Skills

  • In-person Versus Virtual Delivery

  • The Art of Storytelling for Public Speaking

  • “Liz’s 4 C’s”

Features of the course.

  • 90-minutes e-learning course

  • Peer learning from other participants

  • Bonus content expands and builds upon course material

  • VIP “One-on-One” additional course level with customized coaching engagement with an Executive Communications Coach at Brunner Communications

Social proof: testimonials

“As the owner of a leading commercial real estate firm, solid communication skills are a must-have in my everyday life. ...[Liz's] ability to quickly and efficiently zero in on the areas for improvement is uncanny.”

Ann E.

“Working with Liz during the past two years has been nothing short of transformational... She was instrumental in helping me build my brand, elevate my executive presence, and strengthen my relationships at work and in my community.”

Laura E.

“[Liz] exemplifies her teachings as she leads by example, and the effectiveness of her style and approach is quite clear. I feel like she is sharing trade secrets...”

Melissa S.

Your Instructor: Liz Brunner

Liz Brunner is a communications expert ready to help you take command of your speech and build your personal brand. Leveraging her extensive experience in television and vocal training, Liz will identify areas for growth and teach you to implement them, increase your confidence, and help you craft a story. Liz is the Founder and CEO of Brunner Communications, which, through customized communications coaching, assists individuals and organizations developing powerful, meaningful, and desirable brand identities. In 2020, Liz launched the Brunner Academy of online learning. Liz is the best-selling author of Dare to Own You: Taking Your Authenticity and Dreams Into Your Next Chapter, released in November 2021. In addition to working with clients, Liz continues to make media and public speaking appearances.

Liz Brunner

CEO and Founder of Brunner Communications

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